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Article Evaluation Process

The article submitted to SDE Academy Journal is evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of the focus and scope of the Journal and its compliance with the Author Guidelines. If deemed appropriate, the article is sent anonymously to two referees. In case of one rejection and one acceptance or correction, the article is sent to the third referee. In the case of Correction with Severe Changes, it may be decided to reject the article. If deemed necessary, the Editorial Board may send the article to more referees. In line with the opinions of the referees, it is decided to publish the article directly or partially corrected or to reject it. The decision is notified to the author(s). In case a correction is requested, the corrected article must be uploaded again via DergiPark within 15 days at the latest. Corrected manuscripts that are not returned within the specified period are accepted for re-evaluation in subsequent issues.

Blinding Method
The articles submitted to SDE Academy Journal are evaluated using a double-blind peer-review method in which the identities of the authors and reviewers are concealed.

Preliminary Evaluation
New Submission:
1. At this stage, technical review by the Journal Secretariat (checking for similarities, conformity to the journal’s template, and checking the spelling of References) to be approved by the editor) is carried out.
2. The manuscript is forwarded to the Language Editor to check the suitability of the publication in terms of English language.
3. Manuscripts that have passed the Preliminary Evaluation stage (compliance with the template, similarity check and approval of the Language Editor) are forwarded to the Editor.
*The pre-evaluation phase takes a maximum of one month (1) depending on the volume of manuscripts in the Editorial Office and the Language Editor.

Start ofReview
1. The articles reviewed by the editor are examined for their suitability for the journal in terms of scientific, etc. aspects; they may be rejected or found suitable for publication. It proceeds with the appointment of a Field/Section Editor.
2. The article is directed to the Editor (selected from the Field Editors in the Editorial Board) selected in accordance with the field of the article.
3. The Field Editor, to whom the task is directed, assigns two (2) Referees from different universities, taking into account the conflict of interest, and directs the article to the referees within 1 month at the latest.

Refereeing Process
1. The Referee to whom the invitation is sent is expected to accept the invitation within 7-15 days at the latest.
2. If the Reviewer does not respond to the invitation within this period, the Field Editor may resend the invitation or select new Reviewers and direct the invitation to different Reviewers.
3. The Reviewer who accepts the assignment is expected to evaluate the article within thirty-five (35) days. Referees may request an extension in various situations.
*The Field Editor or the Journal Editorial Office has the authority to extend the assignment of the Referee.
4. The Field Editor can decide on the article with the comments of at least 2 referees, or if he/she does not find these opinions sufficient, he/she can continue the evaluation by appointing a 3rd referee.

Final Stageof Review
Decision Stage:
1. According to the comments received from the Reviewers, the Editor/Area Editor will collect the Reviewers’ comments and forward them to the Author immediately and may request corrections from the Author or reject the Article or accept it according to the Reviewers’ opinions.
2. The Author is given one month to revise his/her article according to the review result.
3. The Author may accept the request for revision of the Manuscript or withdraw the Manuscript.
4. For articles that do not need to be reviewed by the Referees again for the Evaluation Phase, a final decision is made or the relevant article is resubmitted to the Referees according to their requests to see it again.

Accepted Articles
Accepted manuscripts are included in the schedule for publication in the following issue of the Journal.
(Issues of the journal are published in January, May and September).


Start of Typesetting
Typesetting of an article accepted for publication is sent to the authors for control after the 15th of the month in which the journal is planned to be published. DOI numbers are assigned to the articles approved for publication and the work is finalized as the publishing phase.

Referee Reports
Peer reviews are generally based on the review of manuscripts for originality, methodology, ethical conduct, consistent presentation of findings and conclusions, and literature.
This review is based on the following elements:
1. Introduction and Literature: The review report includes the presentation and aims of the problem addressed in the study, the importance of the topic, the scope of the literature on the subject, the timeliness and originality of the study, and the compatibility of the title, abstract and article content.
2. Methodology: The evaluation report includes opinions on the appropriateness of the method used, the selection and characteristics of the research sample, information on validity and reliability, as well as the data collection and analysis process.
3. Findings: The evaluation report includes opinions on the presentation of the findings obtained within the framework of the method in the article, the correct selection of the analysis methods in line with the purpose of the article, the consistency of the findings obtained with the objectives of the research, the proper presentation of the tables, figures and visuals needed, and the conceptual evaluation of the tests used.
4. Evaluation and discussion: The evaluation report includes a discussion of the topic based on the findings, the appropriateness of the research question(s) and hypothesis(es), generalizability and applicability.
5. Conclusion and recommendations: The evaluation report includes an opinion on the contribution to the literature, suggestions for future studies and applications in the field.
6. Style and expression: The evaluation report includes opinions on the inclusion of the title of the study in the content, the proper use of Turkish, and the language of the full text in accordance with APA 6 rules.
7. Overall evaluation: The evaluation report includes opinions on the originality of the study as a whole and its contribution to the literature and practices in the field.

The referees are not expected to make any corrections to the full text of the article during the evaluation process.